Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year!

New Year!

Azam tahun baru ini... let see.

- azam tahun lepas pun tak terbuat
- do i have too? its like a tradition bila setiap tahun akan berakhir
- wait, ur not even gonna make any change while just sitting at home. daaaaaaa..... sigh.
- mesti carik keje, thats what i have too.
- simpan doit lah!
- make physical change to myself, i think so? (buat faham2 je k)
- amek lesen semestinya!
- uh! uh! nak keretaaaaaaa please ayahhhhh... LOL!
- improve my amal ibadat. insyaAllah.
- jodoh? huff.....
- carik rumah :)

yeah i think i listed all of it. ngeh ngeh... baru pukul 1030 and im already tired! damn... haha
memang org jenis tak boleh bawak keluar punya. huhu

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

remembering my childhood memories

hi again, it's been a while. today i would like to tell you about my childhood past. and there you go a few shots when i was little. back then i was really cute ain't i. hahaha so perasan, sorry.

what can i say, yeah... i have a few big fans, all the uncle-uncle and makcik-makcik. hehehe sometimes they would rebut to carry me. LOL! my dad said, 'entah kenapa orang nak sangat dukung hawa tu, ibu ayah siap osom sebab tak larat angkat, TERLEBIH SIHAT lah katakan'. grrr... i took that as a compliment though sigh'.

i was the only girl in the family so why not put on some pretty things to her. and there you go a fashionista in the age 2yrs. some of my friends said, i dont look like malay, ok heres what they usually see me as ( chinese, mamak, philipine, siam, indonesian, arab, omputeh and sekian lanjutnya kalau boleh nak letak semua nama negara) because they dont see my face similar to my siblings. what?? im adopted now? hahaha no exactly. i came from a family from javanese (my dad side) and bugis (my mom side). i think i dont look like my parents too. i just have thier nose and smile. my parents would always like battle each other nak cakap muka ni macam muka masing-masing when setiap kali people would say something nice about me like 'comelnya muka diaaa' or even 'alolorh mata sape dia ada neh'. comon ibu.. dad.. you know im your only daughter. :)

asry, me, zuhry

grandpa :(

but time flew by fast now and im 20yrs already. i miss my atuk and nenek. looking at thier photos recently. your always in my heart and i'll never forget you.

ok people, always remember your childhood memories, it maybe funny, or horrible but i know it is something you dont wanna hilang it.

its precious.
live it.

i've lost a friend in my childhood, wish he was back.

Monday, December 13, 2010

aku bingung
aku sedih atau aku selamat?
semalam aku bersama kau
hari ni aku keseorangan
aku sayang kau
kau kena pergi kan
aku tau kenapa
hati aku perit untuk katakan 'ya aku lepaskan kau'
adakah selama ini aku di dalam permainan kau yang kau bina?
aku tak percaya kau bermain dengan aku
kau tak sanggup pilih
tapi kau perlu
aku tahu kau sayangkan aku
itu sebab kau bagitau
selamat tinggal